Page 33
"Now Geoffrey that's enough of that talk. I realize you're just a child, but that's the stupidest idea I've ever heard."
"No don't you talk over me! You listen to me, son! You may not think having you schoolmates pick on you, and shove your head in the toilet, and toss bricks at you and such is helping you at all, but believe you me, son, it is!
"Now my father used to tell me an expression that went something like this: 'Whatever almost kills you... makes you stronger." And let me tell you that believe you me, boyo, that's just what he did! And I had to go through that, and now you do too! It's all a part of growing up! It wouldn't be very fair if I were tortured as a small childe, and you DIDN'T, would it? Explain to me how that could be fair!?"
"Look here boyo, I'll give you some advice, when I was your age all the boys in school would do all the most horrendous things you could ever imagine to me, and the girls they would laugh and egg them on, and when i got home my father would to things to me that would make me WISH I were back with those little ruffians in school.
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